Who We Are

We are a company of Christians from the surrounding district, who love the Lord Jesus Christ.ย  We gather together weekly in Cardy Gospel Hall.

We believe that the Bible is the complete and inspired Word of God and therefore it is our only source of authority.ย  All our meetings and outreach are based upon the teaching of the Bible.

Our aim is to serve God and share our faith with those who live in the surrounding district.ย  We have no ordained minister or other single presiding officers, but our dependent upon the guidance of God through elders.

Each member has trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, after realising that they were sinners in the sight of God.ย  They have been baptised by immersion and added to the group of Christians gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus who meet at Cardy.

We trust the promises of God contained in the Bible, which assure us of forgiveness and a place in Heaven for those who have received the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.